Informed Consent and Scientific Research within the European Law


  • Roberto Cippitani Università degli studi di Perugia Departamento de Medicina Experimental Centro de Excelencia Jean Monnet “Derechos y Ciencia.


consentimiento libre e informado, investigación, Unión Europea, Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales, Convenio Europeo de los Derechos Humanos, Sociedad del Conocimiento, justicia


From the legal perspective, the legal obligation to require the consent of a person involved in an investigation is relatively recent. In European law, this is the result of the development of the last twenty years, during which the subject has been constitutionalized, at regional level, in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Oviedo Convention approved under the European Convention on Human Rights. In addition the European Union has adopted several legislative rules that govern the issue of informed consent in the specific area of research or materials connected. This responds to the EU strategy concerning the so called Knowledge-based Society, that is to say a society and an economy where research and innovation have a central role in the development, but where it should be also avoid the risks that may affect the fundamental interest.

The paper discusses the rules derived from European sources and other legislative documents dealing with the characters of consent in the scientific activity. In particular it highlights the differences between the rules applicable to the agreement in the field of research, even in sectors other than biomedical, and discipline of the authorization to medical treatments.


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